Replay: Grant-Writing Workshop
Additional Resources:
Trends in Philanthropy
- 3 Years After George Floyd, Foundations Say They’ve Changed, Many Racial Justice Nonprofits Disagree, The Chronicle of Philanthropy
- Mismatched: Philanthropy’s Response to the Call for Racial Justice, Philanthropic Institute for Racial Equity
- 11 Trends in Philanthropy, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy
- Foundations Respond to Crisis: Lasting Change?, Center for Effective Philanthropy
Grant Research
- “How to Do Grant Prospect Research”, Instrumentl.com
- “The Best Grant Research Tools of 2023”, Instrumentl.com
- “Grant Research Tools”, National Council of Nonprofits
- “The Basics of Grant and Prospect Research”, Nonprofit Quarterly
- Candid Foundation Directory – Subscription-based searchable database of grantors
Funding for Racial Equity and Racial Justice
- The nation’s largest funders (total giving since 2011), Candid
- Key funders for racial justice, racial equity, and indigenous rights, Inside Philanthropy
- 11 Major Foundation Racial Justice (and equity) Pledges, Inside Philanthropy
- Goldman Sachs Fund for Racial Equity, Goldman Sachs
- Corporate Commitments to Racial Justice: An Update , McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility
- 30 Foundations Participating in Foundations for Racial Equity Cohort 2021, Funders Together
General Resources
- Candid Blog: Short useful articles on all aspects of fundraising and development
- Candid Learning: Offers fundraising workshops free and for purchase on a variety of topics.
- Federal Register: Searchable database of current and past federal grants. Users can set email
alerts for new opportunities. - Charityhowto.org: Offers professional development workshops for fundraising and development
professionals (free and for purchase). - Association of Fundraising Professionals: Offers professional development and networking
opportunities through local chapters - NonprofitReady.org: A nonprofit offering free fundraising and development workshops